sábado, 5 de novembro de 2016

Observation Class 03 [November 05th, 2016] Regrets, Condicional, Describing & Extras (breeds, oath, coffee, hair, food)

Eg.01: REGRETS: arrependimentos

Imaginary Situation:
If the neighbours had seen the cat, they would have said something.

Imaginary Results of past actions in the present resuts:
If you had closed the windows, the cat would be here.

Let's remenber!

Important: Comma position!
If I have money, I will buy a house.
I will buy a house If I have money.

Situation in the past... consequences in the present.

If (verb in Past Perfect) + would (verb in Present).

If you hadn't had a class, you wouldn't be here today.

Exercise 01:
If I hadn't taken up English, ...
I might have missed last class if...
If I hadn't decided to buy a..., ...
I might be a (job) now if...

Exercise 02:
A: ...........................................
B: Why do you say so? / What makes you say that?

- tittle
- author
- plot
- setting
- characters

- stray cat/stray dog: no pedigree
- Breeds of dog

- to take up: to start
- to peel: descanscar
- to oath: jurar

- people swearing at people:

- coffee
-- coffee basket: filtro : eg.: melita
-- spoon: colher
-- savour: saborear, sabor, gosto
-- tablespoon: colher de sopa
-- to overflow: ttransbordar
-- to pour: derramar, fluir
-- reservoir: reservatório

- to slober: babar
- publishing house: editora
- publisher: editor

- hair
-- to trimmin: aparar
-- to dye hair: tingir
-- highlights hair: mechas, luzes
-- fringes: franja
-- mohican: moicano
-- spiky: espetado
-- top not: topete
-- forelock: look at the photo below

- bitter food: comida amarga
- sour food: comida azeda
- peaches in syrup
- lime x lemon:

- mixer: batedeira
- blender: liquidificador
- bather: banhista
- dough: massa
- oven: forno
- timer: temporizador
- to grease: engraxar
- flour: farinha
- branch: filial
- log: tora, tronco
- sleep like a log: look at the photo below


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CANAL NO YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/raphyaw
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/raphaell.ppaiva

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