segunda-feira, 14 de novembro de 2016

Observation Class 04 [November 12th, 2016] Describing, Phrasal Verbs, Duties and Chocolate

[page 68 - exercises 02/05]
(01) I'd like to make a complaint about
I'm writing to express my dissatisfaction with
This is to inform you of
I think you should know about

(02) I would like
I expect

(03) I also suggest
I strongly recommend

(04) I hope that
I trust that
I expect

[page 68 - exercise 06]
06. Describing the incident/Describing what happened
06.1. The incident occurred when...
06.2. I'd been told that...
06.3. When I pointed this out...
06.4. I was appalled by...
06.5. I regret I didn't insit on...

to appal: assustar
appall: calamidade
appalled: consternado
appaling: assustador

06. Saying what you want
06.6. receive a formal apologize
06.7. receive an assurance that
06.8. take steps to ensure that
06.9. restore my confindence in

assurance: garantia, certeza
apologize: pedir desculpas
step: passo, fase, grau
confidence: confiança
testimony: testemunho, depoimento
witness: testemunha
eye-witness: testemunha ocular

[page 71 - exercise 05]
05.1. to pour into: despejar em
05.2. to print onto: imprimir para
05.3. to emerge from: emergir de
05.4. to pass through: atravessar
05.5. to pick up: pegar
05.6. to attaches to: atribuir a
05.7. to move along: seguir em frente
05.8. to cut off: corte "fora"

to go into: entrar
to turn over: cirar
to put into: colocar
to cut into: cortar
to put together: colocar junto
to hold together: manter junto
to drop into: cair em

INTO and ONTO: Ação em movimento

[page 73 - exercise 04]
04.1. The director is responsible for interpreting the screenplay.
04.2. It's up to the DP to make sure the team delivers what the director wants.
04.3. It's the camera operator's responsability to make sure the camera moves smoothly.
04.4. The focus puller's main task is to focus the camera.
04.5. The clapper loader's duties include loading film into the camera.

duty: dever. obrigação
duty-free: sem taxa
on duty: em serviço
chocolate: choco|liti|
cocoa: cacau
almond: amêndoa
brand: marca
filling: recheio


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SIGA-ME NO INSTAGRAM: @raphaelppaiva


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