- She does: Ela faz.
- She did: Ela fez.
- She will do: Ela vai fazer.
- She has done: Ela fez/tem feito.
- She was doing: Ela estava fazendo.
- She would do: Ela faria.
- She must do: Ela deve fazer.
- She should do: Ela deveria fazer.
- She could do: Ela poderia fazer.
quarta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2022
English: Não erre mais!
Expressões muito usadas no Inglês.
- Never mind >>>>> Deixe pra lá!
- I got it. >>>>> Entendi.
- What a pity! >>>>> Que pena!
- As if. >>>>> Até parece!
- Pretty soon. >>>>> Em breve
- Wake up >>>>> Acorda!
- Hopefully >>>>> Tomara
- How come? >>>>> Como assim?
- You bet. >>>>> Pode apostar.
- My bad >>>>> Foi mal.
- Shut up! >>>>> Cale-se!
- Now that >>>>> E agora?
- What's new? >>>>> Novidades?
- Bullshit >>>>> Conversa fiada.
- Be careful! >>>>> Seja cuidadoso!
- Heck no! >>>>> Deus me livre!
- No way! >>>>> Sem chance!
- I think so. >>>>> Eu acho que sim.
- What the hell! >>>>> Que diabos!
- I don't think so >>>>> Eu acho que não.
- What a shame! >>>>> Que coisa!
See you later! As formas mais comuns de despedida.
- Bye! >>>>> Tchau!
- Take care! >>>>> Se cuida!
- Gotta go! >>>>> Preciso ir!
- See you later! >>>>> Te vejo mais tarde!
- See you around! >>>>> Te vejo por aí!
- See you tomorrow! >>>>> Te vejo amanhã!
- Have a good day! >>>>> Tenha um bom dia!
- Catch you later! >>>>> Te encontro mais tarde!
- Talk to you tomorrow! >>>>> Falo com você amanhã!
- Have a good weekend! >>>>> Tenha um bom fim de semana!
- Enjoy the rest of your day! >>>>> Aproveita o resto do seu dia!
English: Normal x Native
I'm listening to you. >>>>> I'm all ears.
I don't understand it. >>>>> I don't get it.
Don't be stupid! >>>>> Don't be a jerk!
I'm very hungry. >>>>> I'm starving.
I don't know. >>>>> Beats me.
I'll pay the bill. >>>>> It's on me.
I understand you. >>>>> I feel you.
I don't have money. >>>>> I'm broke.
I don't understand it. >>>>> I don't get it.
Don't be stupid! >>>>> Don't be a jerk!
I'm very hungry. >>>>> I'm starving.
I don't know. >>>>> Beats me.
I'll pay the bill. >>>>> It's on me.
I understand you. >>>>> I feel you.
I don't have money. >>>>> I'm broke.
You have do decide. >>>>> Make up your mind.
I haven't seen you in ages. >>>>> Long time no see.
I made a big mistake. >>>>> I screwed up.
Please keep the secret. >>>>> Mum's the word!
Send me a message later. >>>>> Hit me up later.
Let's meet today. >>>>> Let's catxh up today.
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