eg1.: Personalidade
- What is she like?
- She is dever, vain, predictable,...
eg2.: Como a pessoa é
- What does she look like?
- She is slim (esbelta); chubby (cheinha); fat (gorda).
- She is muscle (musculosa); skinny (macérrima); thin (magra).
Olhar sempre para o que vem antes e depois.
Usado quando há uma pessoa antes e nenhum pronome reto depois.
eg1.: That is the woman (who/that) got late at the meeting.
eg2.: The maid (who/that) speaks Italian fluentlly is coming.
eg3.: That man is talking. He is my uncle.
That man (who/taht) is talking is my uncle.
Usado quando há uma pessoa antes e pronome reto depois.
X significa OMITIR.
eg1.: That child (who/taht/x/whom) I was talking yesterday was very sly.
eg2.: Those ladies (who/that/x/whom) I introduced you were fibber.
fibber = liar = mentirosas
fiber = fibra
Usado quando há objeto antes e nenhum pronome reto depois.
eg.: This is the coffee table (that/which) is very old.
Usado quando há objeto antes e pronome reto depois.
eg.: That couch (that/which/x) I bought is awful.
Usado quando expressar posse.
Usado com qualquer antecedente.
Não pode ser omitido.
eg1.: That dog, whose paw is hurt, is hers.
eg2.: That woman, whose son is crazy, loves to go out with man.
You can't use THAT when there will be commas.
Você não pode usar THAT entre vírgular.
> Quando vier objeto antes da vírgula, usa-se WHICH.
That is the book, which was a steal, is mine.
> Quando vier pessoa antes d vírgula, usa-se WHO ou WHOM.
That guy, (who/whom) is robbing that truch, is a friend of mine.
When there are two different things/people, you must use THAT.
Quando existir dois objetos/pessoas diferentes, você deve usar THAT.
eg.: The magazine and the novel that I am reading are terrific.
When there is superlative, indefinides pronouns, ordinal numbers and words as SOME/ANY/EVERYTHING/MUCH/LITTLE/ONLY/ALL, you use THAT
Quando há superlativo, pronomes indefinidos, números ordinais, você usa THAT.
eg1.: Everything that you say it's a lie.
eg2.: This is the tenth loan you got at the bank.
When there are prepositions before or the end of the sentences, use WHICH ou WHOM.
eg1.: To whom did you send that e-mail? [or] Whom did you send that e-mail to?
Para quem você enviou aquele e-mail?
eg2.: That cell phone, in which you love speak, is mine.
Aquele celular, em que você ama falar, é meu.
pessoa + (who/that)
pessoa + (who/that/x/whom) + pronome
objeto + (which/that)
objeto + (which/that/x) + pronome
pessoa + vírgula + (who/whom)
objeto + vírgula + (which)
That = nunca entre vírgulas
Preposição relacionada à pessoa = whom
Preposição relacionada à objeto = which
Whose = relacionada à posse