sábado, 6 de maio de 2017

Observation Class [May 06th, 2017] What defines you?

Link: https://www.theodysseyonline.com/philosophicalquestionwhoami
Photo: http://az616578.vo.msecnd.net/files/2015/09/18/635782080878664122461499211_my-identity.png

- How are your parents?
- How are your friends?
- Your parents and friends combine with you?

- family
- friends
- job
- teachers
- environment
- money
- psychology
- celebries
- religion beliefs
- music

- How does he/she present himself/herself?
- What interests does he/she have?
- How much does it reflect his/her true personality?

TALKING ABOUT IDENTIFY [page 17/number 02]
01. I think of my identify partly in terms of my friends.
02. I need to feel part of a close circuit of friends.
03. My life is centred a lot on my children rather than on myself.
04. What defines me most is my backgroud.
05. I'm a product of where I come from.
06. I see myself as a happy person.
07. I like to think that I'm reflected in the people I like.
08. What has also had a great influence on me was my stay in other countries.

Extra Vocabulary:
- to follow in somobody's footsteps: espelhar-se em alguém


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