quarta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2016

Review & Extras Topics [Test] Complete, Rewrite and Verbs!

Photo: www.business2community.com
01. page 36/exercise 04
Mack: So, you're going to New York.Have you been to New York before?
Jane: No, it's my first time. What do you suggest?
Mack: Be sure to visit the Empire State  Building. It's well worth the visit.

02. page 40/exercises 01 and 02
Charles chair attacted a lot of attention because os the innovative design.
(a) aesthetic
(b) low-key
(c) innovative

03. page 42/exercise 04
Raphael: So, are we all agreed on the dates for the tests?
Larissa: Sorry, but I still don't agree with the date for the final test.

04. passive voice
Pelé is known (know) as the king of football all over the world.

In Brazil, lots of children drop out of school before they turn twelve.

06. passive voice
The book 'The Lord of the Rings', written by J.R.R. Token, was transformed into a film in 2001.

07. [page 31/exercise 01]
When the statue appeared in the middle of the park, people were baffled by it.
(a) baffled
(b) unveiled
(c) warmed

Eg.: warmed to [page 37/exercise 01]

The climax os New Year's celebration is the moment they set off the fireworks.

09. page 40/exercises 01 and 02
An essential characteristic of good design is to be unobtrusive.
(a) enormous
(b) jammed
(c) unobtrusive

At Christmas time, shopping centers are jammed with people doing their shopping.
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01. page 36/exercise 04
When in London, you should visit the London Eye.

When in London, make sure you visit the London Eye.
When in London, be sure to visit the London Eye.

There is a new shop on the corner which is really full of different toys.
There is a new shop on the corner which is really well stocked. (well)

We can also postpone the celebration for the end of the month.
The other option is to postpone the celebration for the end of the month. (option)

- It's one of the most useful gadgets ever made, and it's also really well designed.
- Not only is it one of the most useful gadgets ever made, but it's also really well designed.

- I visited Buzios and Cabo Frio on my last vacation.
- Not only did I visit Buzios, but also Cabo Frio.
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David has been living (live) en New York since he started (start) working for that company.

One afternoon Terry was returning (return) home. He has been working (work) all day long and he was feeling / felt (feel) very tired. While he was walking (walk) he failed (fail) to notice that there was a pothole and he had (have) an accident. He stayed (stay) in hospital for a week.

Eg 1.: sempre que tiver 'while', a formação do verbo a seguir será com 'ing'
Eg 2.: pothole: armadilha, cilada

Tina got really up set when the doctor arrived very late. She had been waiting (wait) for nearly two hours.
[page 08/exercise 04]
Present Perfect [has/have + PP]
- ações não definidas.
- ações que aconteceram e continuam.

I've always been good with numbers.
I've done a couple of degrees.
I've recently passed my final enginnering exams.

Present Perfect Continuous/Progressive [have/has + been + ing]
- é usado, basicamente, para enfatizar a continuidade de uma ação que começou no passado e que se prolonga até o presente.

I've been sailing pretty consistently since I was nine.
I've been studying in the evenings so I'm quite tired.

[page 15/exercises 01 and 02]
Past Simple or Simple Past
- ter atenção com verbos regulares e irregulares.

Daniel paid many bills yesterday.
The pupil counted on his best friend.

Past Perfect Simple [had + PP]
- é usado para expressar uma ação que ocorreu no passado antes de uma outra ação ter ocorrido.

When I arrived, my mother had already made dinner.
I assumed it had spread through your whole office.

[page 17/exercise 01]
Past Progressive [was/were + ing]
- estava acontecendo em um determinado tempo.

Raphael Paiva was dancing there.
Larissa was travelling with her angel.

Past Perfect Progressive/Continuous [had + been + ing]
- É usado para enfatizar a repetição ou a duração de uma ação no passado anterior à outra ação também no passado.

When I got at the office, my boss had been making calls.
They had been shaving themselves.
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01. That's not the whole picture. [page 07/exercise 03]
02. trouble: to go to the trouble of
03. designed by sbd
04. sign up for sth [page 37/exercise 03]
05. started to love since you were young: to grow up
06. everyone agrees on sth: we are all agreed on sth [page 42/exercise 04]
07. impression: make a big impression [page 26/exercise 04] [page 31/exercise 01]
08. know: sth/sbd is known as [passive voice]
09. sort things out: to organize or arrange things that are untidy
10. focused on [page 29/exercise 05]
11. convincing: persuasive [page 07/exercise 03]

12. [page 22/exercise 05]
I'm not doing it any way!
There is no way I'm doing it!

13. used to = would (past habits)
When I was young, I used to travel.
(...) I would travel (...)

14. to appeal: doesn't appeal to me = I don't like it. [page 22/exercise 05]
15. make: don't know what to make of it
16. be certain = be sute to = make sure sbd [page 36/exercise 04]
17. decide: make up my mind [page 22/exercise 05]
18. planned by sbd


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