quarta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2016

Observation Classes - General [November/December, 2016] Up, Down, Alternative Medicine & Busy Day

01. page 90/number 05
01.1. I spoke to about/almost/exactly/just under/nearly 150 people.
01.2. All/Almost None/Half/Most/None of them were interested in buying from us.

02. Verbs with up/down that have na idiomatic meaning
(page 91/number 02)
- to break up: romper
- to close down: fechar
- to cut down on: cortar
- to end up: terminar
- to give up: desistir
- to set up: estabelecer/montar
- to take up: assumir
- to turn down: recusar

03. Alternatives
03.2. page 94/number 02
- an illness: an unhealthy condition of body or mind - doença

- symptoms: subjective evidence of disease or physical disturbance; broadly :  something that indicates the presence of bodily disorder - sintomas

- a treatment: the act or manner or an instance of treating someone or something -  tratamento

- a remedy: a medicine, application, or treatment that relieves or cures a disease - remédio

- effect: something that inevitably follows an antecedent (as a cause or agent) - efeitos

- side effects: a secondary and usually adverse effect (as of a drug) <toxic side effects> —called also side reaction – efeito colateral

- a medicine: the science and art dealing with the maintenance of health and the prevention, alleviation, or cure of disease - cura

- a placebo: a usually pharmacologically inert preparation prescribed more for the mental relief of the patient than for its actual effect on a disorder

03.3. page 94/number 03
- acupuncture
- antibiotics
- hypnosis
- massage
- painkillers
- physiotherapy
- surgery
- vaccinations

04. Busy day
- How do you manage your busy day?
- typical: típico, representativo, característico
- steriotypes: estereótipo

Flattening: achatamento, nivelar
Fat: gordo
Fat meat: gordura da carne
Fabric: tecido, estrutura
Sailing: vela de navegação
Candle: vela
To claim: contextar
Thoroughly: seriously

Bakery: place
Baker’s: place
Baker: person

Survey: pesquisa
Poll: votação
Ballot: cédula, votação secreta
Urn: urna funerária

Blind: cego
Blinds: persianas
Curtain: cortina

Luncher: lançador
Snaker: cobra

Delivery: entrega
Baby delivery
Pastry shop: pastelaria

Cheaper = Inexpensive (AME)

- Xterm: emulador de terminais leve e direto. Ele é usado como base para vários outros emuladores de terminais, como o Aterm.
- Term paper: trabalho de conclusão de curso
- Thesis: to Doctors
- Dissertation: to Masters
- Monograph


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