sábado, 20 de maio de 2017

Observation Class [May 20th, 2017] Literature

- What's the book about?
- What made an impression on him?
- Did he read it again later in life?
- Was is he same?
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GENRE [page 26]
- best-seller
- fiction
- humour
- autobiography
- self-help guide
- current affairs: atualidades
- adventure
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- a daring book: um livro ousado
- a book that was a struggle to read: difícil de ler
- a book that has ben formative for you: contribuiu para algo

- What the book is about
- Why you decided to read it
- Who you would recommend this book to
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- an obscure book
- an account of an attempt to reach the North Pole
- an emornously long/detailed book
- it really meant a lot of me
- I vividly remember reading it and being absolutely fascinated
- I was depressed by now boring it was
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- to appeal to: apelar para
- to look up: procurar
- to make out
- to opt for: optar por
- to rely on: confiar em
- to succeed in: ter sucesso em
- to be lacking in: faltar em


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>> PESQUISA: Álbuns com o mesmo nome!
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>> Sandi Patty: Versões Marina de Oliveira
>> Sandi Patty: Versões Cristiane Carvalho
>> Sandi Patty: Outras Versões

SIGA-ME NO INSTAGRAM: @raphaelppaiva

CANAL NO YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/raphyaw
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/raphaell.ppaiva

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