terça-feira, 2 de maio de 2017

Observation Class [April 29th, 2017] WOULD

USO DO 'WOULD' [page 14/number 01]
a. Past habits
In those days, we would walk home late at night with no problem.
Sometimes we'd go to work, just for fun.

b. Polite requests and offers
Would you mind having a look at this with me?
Which hotel would you prefer to stay in?

c. The past of 'will' in reported speech
They said that there would be hundreds out of work.
He said he would be back in time for the film.

d. The 'future-in-the-past'
After that goal, it was clear they wouldn't win the match.
She decided that she'd spend the rest of her life there.

e. Hypothetical situations
Without the land, we would have gone bankrupt a long time ago.
Would you ever leave this country?

f. Giving advice (softening)
I wouldn't worry aabout it, if I were you.
You'd be a complete fool not to take that job, you really would.

- requests: pedidos
- Would you mind? - Você se importaria?
- bankrupt: falido


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