sexta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2017

Observation Class [September 30th, 2017] Restaurant/Spirit de corps

- What will you get your mother for her next birthday?
- Whatever she likes

- Write a essay about a restaurant

Extra Vocabulary:
- to dub: investigar
- peers: pares
- to decide on
- trendy: na moda, tendência
- freebies: cortesias, brindes
- entrées: entradas
- easy-to-use: fácil de usar
- hype
- bottom nav bar for: barra de navegação inferior
- whatever you want
- ambience: ambiente
- appetizes: aperitivos

- average: média, taxa

A sense of belonging
- feeling you are part of a larger group
- developing a sense of loyality to people
- learning not to get territorial about things
- becoming bonded with the group

[page 97 - number 04]
01. I felt as if I was part of a larger group.
01. Senti como se eu fosse parte de um grupo maior.

02. You develop a sense of loyalty to these people.
02. Você desenvolve uma sensação de lealdade a essas pessoas.

03. What was your experience of being in the army and belonging to this organisation?
03. Qual foi a sua experiência de estar no exército e pertencer a esta organização?

04. You can't get territorial about things.

05. There was a strong temptation to rejoin the army, and that's how they get you, you know, because you are so bonded with your group.
05. Houve uma forte tentação de se juntar ao Exército, e é assim que eles o conseguem, você sabe, porque está tão ligado ao seu grupo.

[page 97 - number 01]
01. I joined... (b/d)
02. I got involved in... (b/f)
03. I teamed up with... (a/c) --- To team up: juntar-se
04. I got to know... (a/c)
05. I signed up for... (d/e)
06. I enrolled in (b/d/e)
07. I became a member of... (b)
08. I collaborated with... (a/c)

(a)... a lot of people.
(b)... the Scottish National Party.
(c)... a few colleagues from work.
(d)... a drawing class.
(e)... a training course.
(f)... politics.


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SIGA-ME NO INSTAGRAM: @raphaelppaiva


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