domingo, 24 de setembro de 2017

Observation Class [September 23rd, 2017] PC1 (Review)

01. [ cognitive - free - placebo - decaffinated - jittery ]
a. I usually get jittery when I drink a lot of coffee.
b. I believe caffeine improves memory and cognitive abilities.
c. I prefer caffeibe-free drinks and decaffinated coffee.

eg.: the placebo effects

02. [influence] [exert - use - fall under - lose - have ]
a. Football players exert an infuence on young boy.
b. Politians are always using their influence to get some advantages.
c. People fall under the influence of advertising, even if they do not notice it.

03. Fashion
- retro
- fashionable
- conventional
- designer labels
- trendy

04. Marketing
- market share
- competitors
- target audience
- brand image
- sales pitch

DISCUSS ABOUT... - How do companies build a strong brand identity?
- How important are designer labels for you?
- How would you describe your fashion style?

- Brands enhance your sense of belonging.
- Adverts are always effective ways of persuading people to buy.
- Viral campaigns are very effective ways to sell a product.

"Whether people like it or not, my marketing thought is if you keep something in front of people for too long they get used to it."
[Shahrukh Khan]

"Marketing is what you do when your product is no good."
[Edwin Land]


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SIGA-ME NO INSTAGRAM: @raphaelppaiva


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