domingo, 2 de julho de 2017

Observation Class [July 01st, 2017] Space - Cities and Buildings

[page 46]
- full of people: overcrowded
- left empty: abandoned
- improvised: makeshift
- existing outside: open-air
- unstable: precarious
- used for a limited time: provisional
- a piece of land rented for cultivation: allotment
- protection: refuge
- uninhabited and usually undesirable land that has no owner: no-man's land
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-- Cities --
- restful: tranquilo, sossegado (Positive)
- desolate: desolado, deserto (Negative)
- bustling: movimentado, agitado, barulhento (Positive)

-- Buildings --
- ramshackble: em ruínas (Negative)

-- Both --
- quaint: singular, estranho, algo velho mas que é admirável (Positive)
- run-down: área degradada (Negative)
- glitzy: altamente ostentativo, exuberante (Positive)
- picturesque: pitoresca (Positive)
- soulless: desumano (Negative)
- seedy: gasto, aparência sem graça (Negative)
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-- Collocations -- [page 47/number 06]
- property developers
- urban dwellers
- urban space
- public space
- city developers
- city dwellers
- basic needs
- living organism
- living space

Eg1.: dwellers: habitantes
Eg2.: developers: construtoras
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Eg1.: In some areas of the city the public space is occuped by restaurant tables.
Eg2.: I think urban planning in some Brazilian cities is chaotic.
Eg3.: Most city dwellers nowadays waste long hours in traffic.
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