quinta-feira, 6 de julho de 2017

Observation Class [June 24th, 2017] IS DUE TO


You may vary the activities:

01. Celebrating Christmas
02. Having out of your parent home
03. Getting married
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[page 44]number 02]

01. something that will happen soon
>> + Infinitive
is due to
is about to

>> + Noun or verb + ing
on the point of
on the verge of
on the brink of

02. something that will certainly happen
>> + Infinitive
is due to
is sure to
is set to
is bound to
is certain to
is to
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[page 44/number 03]

By 2050 Africa, Southern Asia and Eastern Asia are bound to reach 62% of the earth's population.
(a) It will happen soon.
(b) It will certainly happen.
(c) It's less certain to happen.

I'm sure there will be electrons next year. [certain]
There are certain to be electrons next year.

The schedule says that the president will arrive here at 5pm. [set]
The president is set to arrive here at 5pm.

Eating organic food will be a trend for some time. [bound]
Eating organic food is bound to be a trend for some time.

The new pens will arrive very shortly. [point]
The new pens are on the point of arriving very shortly.

The trial shall take place on 23 May. [due]
The trial is due to take place on 23 May.

I think I'm going to turn down that job. [verge]
I think I'm on the verge of turning down that job.

Life might not be so different in 2050. [unlikely]
Life is unlikely to be so different in 2050.

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>> PESQUISA: Álbuns com o mesmo nome!
>> Marina de Oliveira - Release, Produtos, Eventos e Mais!
>> Por que Marina de Oliveira parou de cantar?
>> Sandi Patty: Versões Marina de Oliveira
>> Sandi Patty: Versões Cristiane Carvalho
>> Sandi Patty: Outras Versões

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